Which Writers

Which Writers are creative nomads who believe that we spark change through story. Hard questions are easier to digest when tackled by oddly-familiar characters in relevant situations, grappling with society's issues as they play out for the individual. Existentially-relevant stories are our forte. We engage audiences with episodic "short long reads" that can be digested in one meal, over time, with an Agile approach to building our worlds.
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CA Ives Profile Image


It seems to me that story is the path to peace.

I have this big idea for connecting people who love existentially-relevant stories with the people longing to spin them. People might say I’m eating my own dogfood, though I’d rather say I’m serving the truth in story that wants to come through me, and I’m disciplining myself to learn how to bring that out into the world. Once I know, I can help you and the people you love figure it out, too.

I wonder who you are, you people who are going to love what we’re up to, and how on Earth I’m going to get your attention in this manic planet of noise. I will do my best, and with any luck, you’ll find me. Then maybe we’ll be Us, maybe later there will be many authors on this site, and a whole community of people clamouring to share each other’s stories into the world.

Could be. But I’ll just start here with me, with the story I’ve been learning on for twelve years, in and out, on and off, in the cracks and crevices and the deep dives. I hope you see the potential in this world of Timeless. I hope you love it. A whole team of people has brought their best into the first prototype produced by Which Writes, just for you.

Stay involved. You matter here.


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CA Ives Profile Image

CA Ives


It seems to me that story is the path to peace.

I have this big idea for connecting people who love existentially-relevant stories with the people longing to spin them. People might say I’m eating my own dogfood, though I’d rather say I’m serving the truth in story that wants to come through me, and I’m disciplining myself to learn how to bring that out into the world. Once I know, I can help you and the people you love figure it out, too.

I wonder who you are, you people who are going to love what we’re up to, and how on Earth I’m going to get your attention in this manic planet of noise. I will do my best, and with any luck, you’ll find me. Then maybe we’ll be Us, maybe later there will be many authors on this site, and a whole community of people clamouring to share each other’s stories into the world.

Could be. But I’ll just start here with me, with the story I’ve been learning on for twelve years, in and out, on and off, in the cracks and crevices and the deep dives. I hope you see the potential in this world of Timeless. I hope you love it. A whole team of people has brought their best into the first prototype produced by Which Writes, just for you.

Stay involved. You matter here.


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